jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

God works in misterious ways

If there is a God, he sure loves me. 

Today is a good day. Weird, cause it shouldn't be, let's see; this week it's been HELL. School is worse than ever. I don't think I can handle another handout about sentence analysis with its stupid grammatical meanings and its stupid exceptions. I also hate doing stupid research and learning stupid semantic features and practicing my English by talking about a stupid article about stupid surveillance technology. 

But, in spite of that, I find myself in a -rather strange- good mood. Life's amazing, you know? I get up, turn my iPod on and walk to the bus stop in a somewhat divine state of mind. I'm always thinking about the near future, but I enjoy the present every time. I love my family. I love spending time with them and cooking for them and just BEING with them. I'm aware of the fact that I won't be around soon, so I might as well just be here for them.

I don't consider myself a tender person, and it's even weirder for me to read what I just wrote, but I can't complain. The only thing is that I feel a bit rusty and heart-broken, but it's going to be alright. It's always alright.

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