sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012


Ever felt like doing something wrong on purpose? I'm one text away of screwing things up big time and sincerely I couldn't care less. Not today. Cause I've always done things like they say I should, or how it's supposed to be, but I'm done now. I'm 23 and I feel like, though I've travelled abroad and I've seen things and done things that I could never ever confess, I still haven't lived enough. What if I make a mistake, big deal, you all make mistakes and no one says it's right or wrong because they are all busy living their lives. They act as they care about you, but they don't, deep in their hearts they're only going to be nice to you if that action is positive to them aswell. How sad is that. I hate my generation, it's so... empty. I've always felt like I belong to a different time, like I was born 35 years ago. I've got an old soul, I'm not impressed by easy stuff and stupid things certainly don't amuse me. Don't get me wrong, I am a happy person, I'm always laughing and people, when they first meet me, always say that they don't think I take things seriously enough. But I do, of course I do. It's just that sometimes I am so bitter because of life that I just rather laugh about it. It's weird cause I am in love with life, or better said, I am in love with the fact of being alive and embracing my freedom and being able to make plans and fighting to achieve my goals. The thing is I hate the feeling that I'm always at the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe that is why I get along with older people. My best friends are all in their thirties, I find it awesome to see life through their eyes. I wish I was old enough to know better. But no, I'm still a kid. And sometimes I love it and take full advantage of it, but not today. Or maybe yes, cause making a mistake on purpose is what young people do, right? Is that was youth is all about?

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